Summer is nearly here, with high school graduation season upon us. If you are getting ready to move back home after your semester is over, follow these tips to pack your boarding school dorm room efficiently!
Start Early & Pack in Stages
You don’t want to leave all of your packing until the last minute. In the time before finals begin, take an hour or so per day to go through your belongings and sort out what you may or may not need next year. This reduces the amount of time it will take in the final stretch when you’ll need to spend more time concentrating on exams and papers.
Unplug Your Refrigerator in Advance
Your fridge is constantly running, and once you unplug it, the ice and condensation built up inside will begin to melt and could leak. Giving it time to settle to room temperature before moving it to your storage facility saves a lot of mess. Make sure the area is surrounded by towels to soak up the excess water.
Organize & Roll Your Clothes
Keep your clothing together and sorted by season in order to find what you’re looking for next fall. If you feel like you are running low on room, roll your shirts and pants. This takes up less room than folding your clothes flat, and you can layer in your socks in any nooks and empty spaces.
Pack Books in Suitcases
Your books are heavier than your clothes, and packing them in the incorrect type of box can lead to moving disaster. Your boxes can buckle in transit, and you could lose them if they are not labeled properly. Moving any books you are looking to keep in wheeled suitcases allows easier moving and reduces the risk of overpacking.
Utilize Your Plastic Bins
If you are planning to keep a lot of your belongings near school, use your plastic bins! These are perfect for holding your clothes and any odds and ends you may have accumulated throughout the year.
Storage for Boarding School Students in Boston
If you need a place to store your things over the summer before next semester starts, contact OnDemand Storage! We provide virtual storage for boarding school students across New England, providing pickup and delivery service so you don’t need to worry about how to get your things to and from a unit. OnDemand Storage can be reached by calling (855)215-6617 or by filling out our online contact form.